The 4 College Funding Secrets

Join one of our live online College Funding Secrets workshops and discover the new way to pay for college using The Retirement Scholarship Strategy that will help you pay for college without sacrificing your retirement.

We are teaming up with a Shark from The Shark Tank!

Kevin Harrington was one of the original sharks from the hit TV show Shark Tank.  We are teaming up with Kevin to spread the word to more families on how to reduce the cost of college and learn a new way to pay for it.

shark from the shark tank

Kevin Harrington

Maximize The Free Money

Reduce The College Loans

Create A College Funding Solution

Retirement Restoration

Maximize The Free Money From The Schools

The majority of the free money comes from the schools in the form of merit based scholarships and need based financial aid. We can help you increase your scholarships and financial aid by choosing the schools that offer the most free money based on your specific situation.

Reduce Your College Loans

If you could reduce your college loans, isn't that the same as reducing the cost of college? The cost of college is like buying a new car every year. How you "finance" college could save you more money than scholarships or financial aid.

The Retirement Scholarship Strategy

Imagine a new strategy that allows you to help your kids pay for college without sacrificing your retirement. Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? The fact is, how you pay for college is 10x more important than how much you pay. You can learn how this strategy works on our live workshop.

What makes Legetty Unique?

Most companies only focus on helping families find scholarships, financial aid, and helping kids get accepted to their dream schools.

Legetty and College Funding Secrets does all of that and more!

We also help families reduce the college loans, use The Retirement Scholarship Strategy to pay for college without sacrificing your retirement.

Lance Morgan

As a father of 5 kids, the high cost of college kept me up at night as I worried about how I was going to be able to help them pay for college.

I couldn’t imagine how I could help them without sacrificing our retirement.  

That is, until I discovered the 4 College Funding Secrets to reduce the cost of college and The Retirement Scholarship Strategy.

Secret 1

How To Maximize The Free Money?

When you see the sticker price of college these days, it takes “sticker shock” to a whole new level.
It’s amazing how expensive it is these days.
Which means that the first thought we all have is…
How do I reduce the out-of-pocket cost of college?
Most families think that the solution is searching the web for private scholarships.

Secret 2

How To Reduce The College Loans?

So much focus is on finding scholarships and reducing the sticker price of college.  However, what about after the kids graduate?  There is still a lot you can do to reduce the cost of college by reducing the college loans.  If you could cut the college loans in half, it’s the same as cutting the cost of college in half.  There are several ways to reduce the college loans.

Secret 3

How To Create A College Funding Solution?

The problem with using 529 accounts, savings, whole life insurance, or your retirement to pay for college, is that you interrupt the compounding interest.  That is the single biggest expense when paying for college… the opportunity cost.  What if you could borrow money for less than what you could earn on your savings?  How you pay for college is 10x more important than how much you pay.

Secret 4

Retirement Restoration from College Funding

First of all, I respect every parent that makes the sacrifices to help their kids pay for college.  It can make a big impact of the successful future of your kids but it can also do a lot of damage on your retirement.  That is why you need to learn all of the Retirement Restoration Strategies to increase your retirement, minimize taxes, eliminate debt, and so much more.


What our clients say about these strategies